Although the sanctuary of our little Lumby United Church building is over 100 years old – the oldest surviving building in Lumby – its congregation numbers a paltry thirty; twenty-five of whom attend regularly. When you compare this to a total of population of about 1200 for the village of Lumby, and 3000 or so for the surrounding area, you get my point. This is a far cry from the time the church was built, when everyone attended the church of their choice.
Assuming we’ve tread the mystical path, had our Awakening and experienced our own personal truth. Is it enough to have our private belief alone at home?
If not, will my spiritual community reject me and my newfound belief? Do I forget about community? Do I need a spiritual community at all? Is it necessary to have commonly agreed on truths in a spiritual community, or is it enough to just belong to a community of seekers, where everyone searches for their own truth? And if we do find it necessary to have commonly agreed on truths, how do we bridge the gap between personal belief and common belief? These are the questions we have to ask ourselves after we have attained mystical enlightenment.
In our lifetime we have known people who are or were alive in 1906, over one hundred years ago. For myself, I would use my late grandfather as an example and even my father who saw the western world go from horse as the primary mode of transportation to the vast array of personal vehicles we have today. Of course flying was something of a myth, and by the time there lives came to a close jet travel had become commonplace.
Historical photo of a Blackfoot in a lodge with a sacred pipe.
Indigenous Spirituality:
Our New Old Testament?
By Hermann Harlos
Intellectuals who regard intuition as unintelligent have it all wrong – Intuition is highly intelligent! Intuition is the governing intelligence of the cosmos, the intelligence of wisdom. Intuition is syncretic intelligence, godly intelligence, the intelligence that has governed the universe since the beginning of time. I seriously suggest that we Canadian Christians make the indigenous spirituality of our country into our new Old Testament.
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Transfiguration within the Human Experience
The creative intelligence that underlies everything including us
Buddha attained enlightenment while meditating under the famous Bhodi Tree. All spiritual leaders embarked on their vision quest for similar reasons, to experience the ultimate Truth which we Christians call God.
By Hermann Harlos
Did you ever have a moment of transcendence while meditating or praying, when you felt flooded with light, at one with God and the world, and you were ecstatic, or moved to tears? Our response to such moments is to try to hold on to them, to make them last.
Mystical experiences of the transfiguration type actually are quite rare. More common are the spiritual experiences that we experience in a meditative state. These experiences are also known as intuitive. They let us experience the innate oneness and the creative intelligence that underlies everything.