A sustainable creative industry is unfolding, largely undetected and hardly seen from busy thoroughfares. Its workings connect farms and forests and remain largely off the beaten path, but yet it is one of the fastest growing resource based industries in the Pacific Northwest and at its core is an invisible factory powered by spiritual motivation that links nature, the land - and stewardship.
Whole Earth Discovery engages this invisible factory and is a permaculture portal for the Cascadia Region of North America. We produce an online magazine that encourages a better understanding of nature, eco-systems and our changing planet. The magazine helps people explore environmental problems from a practical, how-to standpoint. We explore nature and responsible travel, new innovation, renewable energy, recycling, organic agricultural practices, whole food and wellness. We also tackle tough issues from a neighborhood and village perspective like education, affordable housing and innovation within the localization movement.
We produce a number of Almanacs associated with better living, greener travel and whole-systems thinking.